In my opinion, it is important because i will know whether the courseware, websites, materials etc are suitable or not to my students. the evaluation is also important so that i am well prepared before going to the class. i will make sure that the courseware or website that i am going to use will make them learning the language and fulfill the objective of the lesson. besides that, by doing the evaluation first, i will make sure the class is sufficient for me to conduct the lesson when using the CALL courseware or website. during the evaluation, i will consider anything that will hinder my lesson. the evaluation of CALL courseware is indeed important so that it will cater my students' level of proficiency and abilities. in short, the evaluation will help me to prepare what is the best lesson for the students in order to tackle their interest in learning English so that, hopefully, one day they will be able to apply the knowledge outside of the class.
2. How do you think Hot Potatoes JCloze may help your students learn English?
For me, the use of Hot Potatoes JCloze will really help the students to learn English better. this is because of the use of computer in class is quite new compared to the traditional paper practice especially for those students from rural area. thus, it is less boring. for instance, for instance the students can always click on the question mark [?] right after the blank to get a hint for the right answer. this will surely benefit those quiet students, who are not really in favor to ask question in class. if they do the cloze passage in paper, it must be hard for them to finish the required task in certain time limit.